Friday, September 23, 2011

How do you change the alternator in an 01 Volvo V70?

My boyfriend is trying to change the alternator and it is like nothing he has seen before. He thought he had to jack the engine, but that didn't work. He is stuck and does not know what to do.
How do you change the alternator in an 01 Volvo V70?
1. disconnect the negative battery cable [lay a rag over the battery post to prevent accidental arcing.

2 remove serpentine drive belt [make a drawing of belt routing before removal] now remove belt tensioner.

3 remove power steering fluid supply hose from pump [catch fluid from resivour in a pan and dispose of properly][you will need approx a bottel and a half of NEW fluid upon reassembely]

3-a at this point disconnect the top radiator hose from engine and lay aside [about 2 quarts of coolant will be lost]

4 remove the pressure line from the pump and lay aside [cover open end with another rag to prevent dirt entry] now unbolt and remove the pump.

5 note the position of wires on back of alternator [don't remove just yet]

6 the alternator %26quot;nests%26quot; between the a/c compressor and the engine block. so remove the top 2 compressor bolts, then loosen but DO NOT

remove the bottom 2 compressor bolts.

7 now remove the one bolt at the top of the alternator, [this is a little tight to fit hand there]

8 pull alternator towred the fnt. of car and upwards at the same time, all while twisting enough to expose wiring, whitch can now be disconnected.

9 now pull alternator out from the top.

10 while installation is the reverse of above leave the battery feed wire a little loose [the big red wire] until new alternator is securely mounted

then this can be tightened after wire is back in guide groove [don't forget to reinstall the wire cover, it just snaps in place]

11 fill p/s resivour and coolant resivourto mark [leave coolant cap off so pressure wont build up and scald you]. before starting.

let warm at idle until cooling fans come on and recheck the coolant level, adding as necessary then replacing the cap
How do you change the alternator in an 01 Volvo V70?
I don't think you can do this yourself.

You are able to take it out, but if you change it, you need software for the new alternator. So the new alternator wouldn't work properly.

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